
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Adding text to image (Photoshop basics)

Adding text to image (Photoshop basics)

Welcome, everyone who has lost my weblog ^^. Here is a weblog about Photoshop tutorials, easy workshop for beginners

Adding text to an image is important and necessary for the photo retouching. Text can also add features and add more interesting to our image. In this article we will learn the basics about how to add text to images. Similar to type with Word, Excel or Office programs generally. In the Section how to add effect to the character, I will present in the next article.

1. Open up the desired image or create a new file with File --> New Then set the desired size

2. Select the Horizontal Type Tool as shown below

3. Set the font size, form, color

4. Click on the image, type some text and then press <Enter> or click the check mark as shown below

Has been completed

Then, recommended technical changes or modify fonts. We will use the Character palette to adjust

On the menu bar , click Window --> Character to open the pallet Character

Where do you want to change the text. You have to crop it

This is main menu used to adjust the font

1. Change the font.
2. Change colors, resize, compress, expand, adjust the distance between the characters, between the lines
3. Change to bold, italic, underline, etc.

This is an example


The next article I will present how to bending the text and adding text Effect.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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